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Found 5457 results for any of the keywords of churches. Time 0.008 seconds.
Directories of churches of ChristLinks to various directories of churches of Christ
Members - The Canadian Council of ChurchesOur Members Members and Associate Members of the Council affirm our basis and purpose. The basis of the Council: The Canadian Council of Churches is a community of churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and
Constitution and By-laws - The Canadian Council of ChurchesOur Constitution and By-Laws detail the basis, purpose, and functions of The Canadian Council of Churches and provide direction on forum, membership, governance, and program relationships and responsibilities. Constitu
History - The Canadian Council of ChurchesOur HistoryThis short document, published for the 80th anniversary of the first meeting of The Canadian Council of Churches at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church in Toronto, September 26-28, 1944, cannot possibly capture al
Who We Are - The Canadian Council of ChurchesSeeking Christ • Community • Compassion Since 1944 who we are The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) is a broad and inclusive ecumenical body, now representing 26-member churches including Anglican; Eastern and Roman Cat
NC Council of Churches - Strength in Unity, Peace through JusticeThe North Carolina Council of Churches is a statewide ecumenical organization promoting Christian unity and working towards a more just society.
Audited Financial Statements - The Canadian Council of ChurchesThe Council takes pride in the integrity of its work and are accountable to its donors through transparency. For more information related to The Canadian Council of Churches, including our T3010, please visit the Chariti
the-canadian-council-of-churches | CharityProfile | Donate OnlineRegistered Name: THE CANADIAN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES / LE CONSEIL CANADIEN DES EGLISES
The Canadian Council of ChurchesChrist - Community - Compassion | Christ - Communaute - Compassion
Dialogue and Action Map (2021-24) - The Canadian Council of Churches2021-24 Program Priorities The program priorities have been discerned by member churches through the Program Committees of the Council. The proposed 2021-24 Program Priorities are: The Commission on Faith and Witness Fin
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